Friday, July 27, 2007

Out of context

Like many, I enjoy watching films. One of my all-time favorite is Fight Club, which I own the disk and watch it from time to time even now. Then there are movies like Lord of the Rings, which I think is epic and enjoyable, although I don't think I will watch again.

I enjoy listening to other people's opinion (and especially ones who agree), so I asked my roommate and his girlfriend about how they felt about GATTACA She didn't like it because it wasn't realistic. I paused.

I asked her why she didn't like the fact that it wasn't realistic. She answered with the reason why it wasn't realistic. A few months later, similar critique came from her for another film, The Matrix, and the same for Lord of the Rings.

It is difficult why she was demanding realism in a film that that clearly belongs to fantasy and science fiction. Maybe what she was trying trying to say was that she likes a movie which portrays real life, and not fiction. But somehow, I cannot persuade myself to think that is what she meant - I have the feeling that she will say the same thing if she saw La Strada or Persona.


A while back, I have taken someone to a concert. The performance by the string quartet was beautiful, and while I was not a big fan of classical music, I was deeply moved.

After the concert, I have asked my date how she had liked the music.

"I like piano music better." She replied.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I was browsing for a rental, and picked up a disc of a television series. The owner started talking.

Owner: So do you know what this show is about?
Me: No. Is it any good?
Owner: Yes, I liked it.
Me: What is it about?
Owner: Well, I won't spoil it for you, but it starts like this...what happens when one of your friend commits suicide? She sends email to you.

I found his description of this premise far more interesting than the show itself.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


My wrist is going to break if I am asked to fix fonts figures that are already in TIFF...a word of advice - if you aren't sure whether the editor will accept your manuscript, PLEASE keep the original file, for chrissake...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Did you know that memories are water-soluble? This is why you cry.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hey, I thought it was a good advice!

A co-worker's wife was pregnant with a girl.

Co-worker: "So, we're thinking of Fatima as her name."

Me: "Hmm, I don't know. I wouldn't name my kid with word 'fat' in it."

He hasn't spoken to me since.

Monday, July 16, 2007


About sisters:
  • Eldest: Gregarious but overbearing
  • Middle: Well-adjusted, responsible, and tolerant.
  • Youngest: Spoiled and fun.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


To the lady with her baby (hey, that rhymes!) in the coffee shop:

You think you own the world 'cuz you managed to get knocked up!? Damn you!

Ambition and Friendship

I've heard this story once:

There were two young boys who were close friends in ancient China. They did everything together. One day, the boys were studying in a hut, sitting on the same rag. A parade passed in front of the hut. One of the boys looked out the window to watch the processions pass. The other boy has cut the rag in half, and never talked to his friend again. He kept studying and became a high-ranking government official.

This anecdote was told to encourage young children to study hard and become successful, even if it comes at a personal cost.

My reaction to this story is this:
  1. The guy who cut his friend off is an asshole.
  2. Couldn't he help his friend concentrate? The guy was just curious, you know...
  3. I don't think being a loner guarantees studiousness.
  4. Although he attained high status, I doubt that he would have made much of a leader.
Unless I'm missing the point, I feel that this story is likely to encourage pathological behavior in children who follow this boy's example. What the hell are people teaching children nowadays??

Friday, July 6, 2007


I am standing in the checkout lane of local supermarket.

Older bearded man with glasses: ...he is a pretty popular Norwegian writer. I highly recommend the book. So, what do you read?
Younger woman: (pauses) I liked reading "The Kite Runner"...

I roll my eyes.